American Cancer Society, Inc./Northeast Region New York, NY
For: Programs in the Northwest New Jersey Region-$30,000; National Home Office-Extramural Research support in immunotherapy-$220,000
For: Programs in the Northwest New Jersey Region-$30,000; National Home Office-Extramural Research support in immunotherapy-$220,000
For: The Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Toward two CCF Research Fellowship Awards
Toward renovations to the Carol G. Simon Cancer Center (Going Forward Campaign)-$125,000 in 2018 and 2019
For: Support of research directed toward better treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis
Toward Beta Cell Replacement research
Toward creating a pediatric interactive rehabilitation device
Toward the new construction of the Walker D. Kirby Primary Care Center (including the wellness community space) in Dolgeville, NY-$420,000 in 2018, and $415,000 in 2019 and 2020
Toward renewed support of the F.M. Kirby Foundation Brain Tumor Research Fund
For: Support of the Neuroscience Institute at Overlook Medical Center
For: Capital equipment for the F.M. Kirby Center for Molecular Ophthalmology
For: Ongoing Acute Myeloid Leukemia research within the Beat AML Initiative
Toward the purchase of an ultrafast laser scanning resonant confocal microscope
Toward the Timely Donor Referral (Universal EMR Application) Proof-of-Concept project
Toward operational costs of the CNNR Imaging Facility
For: Support for Early-Career Investigators through the International Research Grant Program
For: Programs in the Northwest New Jersey Region-$30,000; National Home Office-Extramural Research support in immunotherapy-$220,000
Toward the final-year funding of Dr. Diana E. Stanescu’s Junior Faculty Development Award to improve the function of stem cell-derived beta cells
For: The Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Toward the F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center, specifically the Innovation and Education Fund
For: Continued support of the work of Drs. Sam Pfaff and Chet Moritz through the International Research Consortium on Spinal Cord Injury
Toward the continued operation of the Preclinical Experimental Therapeutics (PET) facility
For: Support of research directed toward better treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis
Toward Beta Cell Restoration and Beta Cell Replacement research
For: Support of the Neuroscience Institute at Overlook Medical Center
Toward the Translational Cancer Research Fellowship program
For: Capital equipment for the F.M. Kirby Center for Molecular Ophthalmology-$100,000 in 2016 and 2017
For: Ongoing Acute Myeloid Leukemia research within the Beat AML Initiative
Toward the purchase of a VisiTech (VT) i-SIM (instant structured illumination microscope)
Toward operational costs of the CNNR Imaging Facility
For: New Investigator Research Grants, specifically the Molecular Pathogenesis and Physiology of Alzheimer’s (Discovery Science or Basic Disease Understanding) category
For: Programs in the Northwest New Jersey Region-$60,000; National Home Office-Extramural Research support in immunotherapy-$225,000
Toward a one-year, Junior Faculty Development Award for Dr. Diana E. Stanescu’s research to improve the function of stem cell-derived beta cells
Toward the Scholars Program for the Study of Post-Transplant Complications
For: The Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Toward the F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center-for the Innovation and Education Fund-$100,000; for the Gene Manipulation Innovation Grants-$100,000
For: Continued support of the work of Drs. Sam Pfaff and Chet Moritz to identify, locate, and characterize the role of interneurons in the human spinal cord
Toward the continued start-up and operation of the Preclinical Experimental Therapeutics (PET) facility
Toward two CCFA Research Fellowship Awards
For: The expansion and facilities upgrade of the Inpatient Psychiatric Unit-$200,000 in 2014, 2015, and 2016; toward a fund or project that honors Denny Baird-$50,000 in 2014
Toward Beta Cell Restoration and Beta Cell Replacement research
Toward the establishment of the Informatics Center
Toward the upgrade and replacement of outdated emergency department monitoring equipment
For: Support of the Neuroscience Institute at Overlook Medical Center
Toward direct costs only in Postdoctoral Training: Reproductive Biomedicine and Biomedical HIV Research
For: Continued research for Synaptic Interactions: Formation and Plasticity (Stipend support for students and post-docs)
For: Capital equipment for the F.M. Kirby Center for Molecular Ophthalmology-$100,000 in 2016 and 2017
Toward Acute Myeloid Leukemia research
Toward the purchase of a supercomputer for the proposed research computing facility
Toward operational costs of the CNNR Imaging Facility
For: Programs in the Northwest New Jersey Region-$75,000; National Home Office-Extramural Research support in immunotherapy-$250,000
Toward a one-year, basic science award for Dr. Garcia-Ocana’s research to protect pancreatic beta cells to prevent or delay the onset of type 1 diabetes
For: Basic Research Grant Program
Toward basic, biomedical cardiac and stroke research projects in New Jersey
Toward the Scholars Program for the Study of Post-Transplant Complications
For: The Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Toward the F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center, specifically the Innovation and Education Fund
For: Support of Dr. Sam Pfaff’s and Dr. Chet Moritz’s collaborative work to identify, locate, and characterize the role of interneurons in the human spinal cord
For: Start-up and operational support of the Preclinical Experimental Therapeutics (PET) facility
Toward two CCFA Research Fellowship Awards
For: The expansion and facilities upgrade of the Inpatient Psychiatric Unit-$200,000 in 2014, 2015, and 2016; toward a fund or project that honors Denny Baird-$50,000 in 2014
For: Support of additional pilot projects aimed at better treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis
Toward Beta Cell Restoration and Beta Cell Replacement research
Toward the upgrade of the Institute’s Motor Recovery Center
Toward renewed support of the F.M. Kirby Foundation Brain Tumor Research Fund
Toward the purchase of three (3) RPXpress devices
Toward direct costs only in Postdoctoral Training: Reproductive Biomedicine and Biomedical HIV Research
Toward the Translational Cancer Research Fellowship program
For: Continued research for Synaptic Interactions: Formation and Plasticity (Stipend support for students and post-docs)
For: Retinal degenerative disease research funded through the Alan Laties Career Development Program
Toward the Celator Project
Toward the purchase of microfabrication equipment for the Precision Fabrication Facility
Toward the CNNR Imaging Facility Capital Equipment Fund-$75,000
For: Alzheimer’s basic science research through the National Office-$300,000; for Northern New Jersey programs through the Greater New Jersey Chapter-$50,000 (this grant comprised our total support through at least 2015)
For: Programs in the Northwest New Jersey Region-$100,000; National Home Office-Cancer research-$250,000 for Post-doctoral Fellows, Alexander Valvezan, Ph.D. and Bryan Yestrepsky, Ph.D.
Toward Mentor-Based Postdoctoral and Mentor-Based Minority Postdoctoral Fellowships within the realm of type 1 diabetes projects only
For: Basic Research Grant Program
Toward basic, biomedical cardiac and stroke research projects in New Jersey
Toward the Scholars Program for the Study of Post-Transplant Complications
For: The Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Toward expanding the capabilities of the F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center’s Assay Development and Screening Core
For: Continued collaboration of Drs. Sam Pfaff and Reggie Edgerton to identify, locate, and characterize the role of interneurons in the human spinal cord
Toward the Research Training Awards Program
For: The expansion and facilities upgrade of the Inpatient Psychiatric Unit-$200,000 in 2014, 2015, and 2016; toward a fund or project that honors Denny Baird-$50,000 in 2014
For: Support of research directed toward better treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis
Toward the Beta Cell Restoration program
Toward the establishment of the Center for Biomedical Engineering
Toward renewed support of the F.M. Kirby Foundation Brain Tumor Research Fund
For: Researching the mechanisms of cellular quality control using the red blood cell model
Toward direct costs only in Postdoctoral Training: Reproductive Biomedicine and Biomedical HIV Research
Toward the Translational Cancer Research Fellowship program
For: Capital equipment for the F.M. Kirby Center for Molecular Ophthalmology (this grant comprised our total support through 2015)
For: The Krim Fellows Program
Toward the Celator Project
Toward the purchase of a light sheet ultramicroscope
Toward the CNNR Imaging Facility Capital Equipment Fund-$75,000
Support of early-career investigators through the International Research Grant Program
Support of programs in Northwest New Jersey and Support of the National Home Office Extramural Research early career investigators
Support of the Talk Away the Dark campaign and Support of the Early Career Research program
Support of the PATH to Discovery Program – $60,000 in 2023 and 2024
Support of the Center of Excellence in New England and Reserved for Future Decision
Support of the Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Support of the F. M. Kirby Neurobiology Center’s Innovation and Education Fund and Support of the F. M. Kirby Neurobiology Center’s Undergraduate Research Internship Program
Support of research on epidural electrical stimulation treatment of spinal cord injury
Support of research in the lab of Dr. John Moses
Support of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation Research Fellowship Awards
Support of the purchase of a Zeiss Kinevo 900 Robotic Visualization System
Support of the Emerging Research Grants program
Support of research aimed at preventing and better treating osteoarthritis
Support of the purchase of optical motion monitoring equipment
Support of the work of Dr. Luis Parada within MSK’s Brain Tumor Center
Support of the purchase of an optical coherence tomography system and accompanying equipment
Support of the purchase of a XENIUM spatial transcriptomics machine
Support of the purchase of a XENIUM spatial transcriptomics machine
Support of the Dare to Dream Project
Support of the Dare to Dream Project
General Operating Support for UNOS Labs
Support of the CNNR Imaging Facility
For: Support for Early-Career Investigators through the International Research Grant Program
Support of programs in the Northwest New Jersey Region -$30,000; Support of the National Home Office Extramural Research early career investigators – $220,000
Support of the PATH to Discovery Program – $60,000 in 2023 and 2024
For: The Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Toward the F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center, specifically the Innovation and Education Fund-$180,000; toward Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Internship Initiative-$20,000
Support of research initiatives to cure spinal cord injury
Support of research in the lab of Dr. John Moses
Support of two Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation Research Fellowship Awards
Support of the Fourth Stage of Pregnancy Health Equity Program
Support of Dr. Christina Uribe-Alvarez’s research project on melanoma
Support of the Hearing Restoration Project
Support of research directed toward better treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis
For: Support of the Center of Excellence in New England
Toward support of the Dare to Dream Project
Support of upgrade to Vocera Communications System at Little Falls Hospital
Support of the work of Dr. Luis Parada within MSK’s Brain Tumor Center
Support of the purchase of a new lattice light sheet microscope
General Operating Support for UNOS Labs
Toward operational costs of the CNNR Imaging Facility
For: Support for Early-Career Investigators through the International Research Grant Program
For: Programs in the Northwest New Jersey Region-$30,000; National Home Office-Extramural Research support for early career investigators-$220,000
For: Support of the COVID-19 Action Initiative
Toward the Early Career Fellowship program focused in translational science
For: The Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Toward the F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center, specifically the Innovation and Education Fund-$150,000; toward Equity, Diversity and Inclusion internship initiative-$50,000
For: Support of research in the lab of Dr. John Moses
Toward two Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation Research Fellowship Awards
For: Support of the Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Program at Goryeb Children’s Hospital
Toward support of Dr. Christina Uribe-Alvarez’s research project on melanoma
For: Support of the Hearing Restoration Project
For: Support of research directed toward better treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis
For: Support of the Center of Excellence in New England
For: Support of high-density diffuse optical tomography (HD-DOT) into the F.M. Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging; this grant comprises total support through 2023
Toward the LLS Children’s Initiative
For: Support of the work of Dr. Luis Parada within MSK’s Brain Tumor Center
For: Capital equipment for the F.M. Kirby Center for Molecular Ophthalmology; this grant comprised total support through 2023
Toward the purchase of a multimode microplate reader and a dedicated plate stacker
Toward support of Coronavirus next-generation research models
Toward general operating support for UNOS Labs
Toward operational costs of the CNNR Imaging Facility
For: Support for Early-Career Investigators through the International Research Grant Program
For: Programs in the Northwest New Jersey Region-$30,000; National Home Office-Extramural Research support in immunotherapy-$220,000
For: Support of the COVID-19 Action Initiative
Toward the Early Career Fellowship program focused in translational science
For: The Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Toward the F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center, specifically the Innovation and Education Fund-$150,000; toward Equity, Diversity and Inclusion internship initiative-$50,000
For: Support of the Big Idea clinical trial funded by the Reeve Foundation at the University of Louisville Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center
For: Support of research in the lab of Dr. John Moses
Toward two Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation Research Fellowship Awards
Toward support of the renovation and expansion of the Emergency Department
Toward support of Dr. Christina Uribe-Alvarez’s research project on melanoma
Toward Beta Cell Replacement research and Regeneration work
For: Support of the Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) scanner facility
For: Support of the work of Dr. Adrienne Boire within MSK’s Brain Tumor Center
Toward the construction and naming of the F. M. Kirby Foundation Neuroscience Center at Overlook Medical Center-$170,000 in 2020 and $80,000 in 2021
For: Capital equipment for the F.M. Kirby Center for Molecular Ophthalmology
Toward the LLS Children’s Initiative
Toward construction of a next-generation light-sheet microscope
Toward support of the Luthra/Sheinerman Coronavirus Program
Toward support of simulation modeling and related general operating expenses for UNOS Labs
Toward operational costs of the CNNR Imaging Facility
For: Support for Early-Career Investigators through the International Research Grant Program
For: Programs in the Northwest New Jersey Region-$30,000; National Home Office-Extramural Research support in immunotherapy-$220,000
For: Support of the COVID-19 Action Initiative
Toward the Early Career Fellowship program focused in translational science
For: The Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Toward the F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center, specifically the Innovation and Education Fund
For: Continued support of the work of Drs. Chet Moritz and Murray Blackmore
Toward the purchase of a Nuclear Magnetic Response (NMR) machine
Toward two CCF Research Fellowship Awards
Toward Valerie Fund Children’s Center for pediatric cancer and blood disorders expansion (Growing Forward Campaign)
For: Support of research directed toward better treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis
Toward Beta Cell Replacement research and Regeneration work
Toward support of the F. M. Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging
Toward the new construction of the Walker D. Kirby Primary Care Center (including the wellness community space) in Dolgeville, NY-$420,000 in 2018, and $415,000 in 2019 and 2020
For: Support of the work of Dr. Adrienne Boire within MSK’s Brain Tumor Center
Toward the construction and naming of the F. M. Kirby Foundation Neuroscience Center at Overlook Medical Center-$170,000 in 2020 and $80,000 in 2021
Toward the construction and naming of the F. M. Kirby Foundation Neuroscience Center at Overlook Medical Center-$170,000 in 2020 and $80,000 in 2021
Toward the LLS Children’s Initiative
Toward the purchase of a scanning electron microscope
Toward the purchase of a combined Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry System
Toward general operating support for UNOS Labs
Toward operational costs of the CNNR Imaging Facility
For: Support for Early-Career Investigators through the International Research Grant Program
For: Programs in the Northwest New Jersey Region-$30,000; National Home Office-Extramural Research support in immunotherapy-$220,000
For: The Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Toward the F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center, specifically the Innovation and Education Fund
For: Support of the new translational research program
Toward construction and outfitting of an organoid testing facility
Toward two CCF Research Fellowship Awards
Toward renovations to the Carol G. Simon Cancer Center (Going Forward Campaign)-$125,000 in 2018 and 2019
For: Support of research directed toward better treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis
Toward Beta Cell Replacement research
For: Support to develop the infrastructure for tracking and organizing educational data and outcomes from the Kennedy Krieger School programs
Toward the new construction of the Walker D. Kirby Primary Care Center (including the wellness community space) in Dolgeville, NY-$420,000 in 2018, and $415,000 in 2019 and 2020
For: Support of the work of Dr. Adrienne Boire within MSK’s Brain Tumor Center
For: Support of the Neuroscience Institute at Overlook Medical Center
For: Capital equipment for the F.M. Kirby Center for Molecular Ophthalmology
Toward the restoration of the Sir Samuel Luke Fildes painting “The Doctor,” donated by Allan P. Kirby in 1944
Toward the LLS Children’s Initiative
Toward general operating support for UNOS Labs
Toward operational costs of the CNNR Imaging Facility